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Setup for Sony PDW 530-P 16:9 IMX30

Posted: February 11th, 2011, 5:23 pm
by rlosada
Can you help me with a good setup for the Sony PDW 530-P
I work in 16:9 IMX30

The image is very bad ... i need everything...Detail Correction, Crispening, Aperture and Image Sharpness, Gamma.
I never touch the menu.

excuse my poor english, help me please :)

Re: Setup for Sony PDW 530-P 16:9 IMX30

Posted: March 25th, 2011, 6:47 pm
by alisterchapman
We need more detail to be able to help. In what way is the image bad? I would just dive on in to the menu's and experiment with the settings for yourself. At the end of the day one persons idea of good will be different to the next, only you can decide on what looks good for you. You can't break the camera by playing with the scene settings.