Arctic Clothing Guide

In Northern Norway the locals will tell you that “There is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothes”. And it’s true. When you are outside at -35c you can soon tell whether your clothes are working to keep you warm or not.

Here’s a guide on what to wear in the Arctic or cold climates. This guide is primarily aimed at those joining me on one of my Northern lights expeditions but is equally applicable to camera crews and film crews that may be working in very cold environments and not moving around or doing enough physical activity to keep warm. The key principle is to build up layers of clothes that will trap air. Trapped air keeps you warm , but allows your body to breathe, so sweat evaporates or is wicked away so you don’t get damp and cold. If your clothes get even slightly damp or wet, you will get cold, no matter what you do. By wearing multiple layers of thiner garments you can make use of clothes you may already have for normal climates at the same time as giving you the option to remove layers if you find you are too warm.

The most important layers are the base layer and top layer. Get these two layers right and what goes in-between is less critical. It is worth investing on really good quality base layer garments. There are some very good modern materials that are great for thin, comfortable but warm base layers.

The other big investments will be good boots, and good mittens. I can’t stress enough how important good boots are. You can’t just put more and more socks on as they will reduce the circulation in your feet. If your feet get cold you will be at best uncomfortable, at worst risk frost bite.


A good source of cold weather clothing that won’t break the bank is the industrial clothing made for those that work in the freezers and cold stores of warehouses. This type of clothing is often performance tested and certified down to -50c and generally costs a lot less than fancy designer label cloths that often don’t perform as well as they should.  The fact that these are tested to industry standards to gain their performance certification means that you know this stuff will work. For expeditions where you will be standing around a lot or relatively inactive consider garments designed for managers or fork lift truck drivers.

Delta Plus Laponie2 cold store jacket

Take a look at these websites:


Flexitog, Deltaplus and Portwest make jackets and trousers for freezer/cold store workers, they can be found on Amazon or via a google search.

Lets start with the base layer.


Thermal long-johns and vest for the base layer.

The base layer is the most important. Wear the wrong materials in your base layer and you will end up cold, no matter what you use on subsequent layers. The base layer should comprise of a thermal or compression vest with thermal or compression long legged pants (long-johns). These must not be cotton!


Cotton absorbs moisture and stays wet. If you wear a cotton base layer you will get damp and feel cold.

The best material is merino wool, but this is expensive. Almost as good and much cheaper is polyester which is very effective as a base layer even though very thin.  I recommend a thermal compression long sleeved top with polyester leggings. These can be purchased from most good sports, cycle or skiwear stores  or via ebay. A long sleeved vest or pair of leggings will cost around £15/$20 each.


The base layer is finished off with a good pair of thick warm socks. Again merino wool is very good especially if a loop stitch has been used to bulk the sock up, but brushed polyester is also excellent. I’m a particular fan of the “Heat Holder” brand, these have proven themselves time and time again. Make sure you get long length socks to keep your calfs warm when riding on the snow scooters etc. Loop stitched or brushed socks will be very thick. If the socks have a TOG rating you should be looking for a 2.0 or higher rating.
You don’t want your socks to be too tight, tight socks reduce circulation and if your socks are tight your toes will get cold.
Some people like to wear two pairs of socks believing that this might be warmer, but I find that this often ends up quite tight and as a result can reduce the blood flow to your feet with the end result that your toes are colder than they would be with just one good thick pair of socks that are not too tight. And remember to allow for your nice thick socks when choosing your footware.


This can be one or more layers depending on how active you will be and how much you feel the cold. Don’t be afraid of having a couple of mid layers. This is your insulating layer. Again you don’t want fabrics that will absorb and hold moisture. Once again wool, polyester as well as other man made fibers such as fleece (made from recycled plastic bottles or polyester) are best.

As a guide, when you put clothes in a washing machine you will notice that some clothes come out after a spin cycle feeling almost dry while others do not. For example a cotton T shirt will be very wet while a fleece jumper will feel nearly dry. The clothes that feel near dry are generally the ones that will keep you warmest.


Divers under suit.

For a simple and very warm mid layer solution you could consider a scuba divers under suit. or fishermans/anglers thermal suit. Again look at industrial workwear options. Perhaps you know a diver you could borrow one from, sometimes they are known as “wooly bears” as if made from fleece you might look like a large wooly bear wearing one. They are very warm. High quality polartec or hollow fiber under suits and anglers suits can be purchased on ebay  or from workwear stores for around £100/$150.  One advantage of an under-suit like this is that you do not then need additional over trousers or salopettes and for short trips outside you do not need an outer coat. When indoors you can unzip the top and pull the top down if you get too hot. The down side is that you will need to ensure your outer coat will fit over the top of the under suit.


If you don’t want to invest in a dedicated under suit then don’t worry, there are plenty of alternatives.

Fleece track suit as your mid layer.

A fleece sweater or fleece top makes an excellent mid layer when combined with a wool sweater or similar, especially when used with fleece leggings. Most sports stores sell fleece track suits for less than £50/$80. Again look for polyester or wool as the main fabric. If you are someone that really feels the cold then a thin fleece shirt can be worn under the fleece top, or a wool or polyester jumper/sweater can be worn over the top of a thin fleece top. These don’t have to be expensive brand name items. Cheap, supermarket fleece sweaters and leggings are very effective. If buying a track suit try to get a top without a hood if you can as it will be more comfortable under your outer layer without an extra hood. If you are wearing tracksuit bottoms or similar as your mid layer you will also need salopettes or insulated leggings when going outside.


An arctic parker for the outer layer.

The outer layer as well as adding a key layer of insulation also needs to protect you from the wind and snow. If it’s very cold, as in the Arctic winter, then it doesn’t need to be waterproof like a regular winter coat that you may use in the UK or less cold climates where rain protection is required. Often fully waterproof garments don’t breathe well so sweat and moisture can build up inside and may reduce your overall warmth. The coat really needs to breath. Quilted goose or duck down Jackets or parkers are favourites for the top layer, however modern insulation materials like thinsulate, hollow fibre and polyester works very well. What you looking for is a jacket that feels nice and thick and puffy, it’s the air trapped inside the coats layers that keeps you warm. Look for a coat/jacket that feels 50mm/2″ or more thick.
Some ski jackets are OK, but many are not thick enough and won’t keep you warm when inactive. I see many people on my trips with ski jackets that are not up to the job, they might have a fancy designer label and they might look great in a bar or keep you warm when working hard, but they often struggle when standing outside watching the Aurora or sitting in a sledge being towed behind a snow scooter.

You also want a long jacket and big pockets that will take a large pair of mittens in case you need to take them off to do something. Make sure your outer layer is big enough to go over all your other layers.

Insulated leggings

Ladies may need to consider mens sizes and guys may need to go up at least one size larger than they would normally use. If your mid layer is a track suit with fleece trousers then you will also need some insulated over trousers or leggings. Again your leggings should be well insulated. If you can’t beg, borrow or simply don’t want to buy a suitable jacket then you can normally rent ski wear from a local ski centre or if travelling to Tromso from these people: Tromso Nature

If you are buying clothes do consider looking at military surplus outlets. You can often pick up excellent, very high quality winter and arctic clothing for a fraction of what you would pay for high street brands. But rather than military surplus – jackets and trousers made for those working in freezers and cold stores are often better without being crazy expensive.


There is an Inuit Eskimo saying that “When your feet are cold, cover your head”. You can loose 20% of your body heat through your head so good head wear is essential.

Again you are looking at layers. A thick balaclava or snood should be your base layer, again you want a material such as microfleece, polartec etc. I like to have a couple of balaclavas as you will often be wearing these for long periods so the nose/mouth area can get quite damp, so having one that can dry while you wear the other is nice. The balaclava must cover your mouth and nose. Some have holes or special nose covers – be warned these don’t always work well as the holes allow the wind to blow in while riding on the snow scooters and you can end up with an icy nose and possibly frost bite on the end of your nose.

A  large micro-fleece balaclava with a large single face opening is excellent as it can be pulled up over your nose when you need it or pulled down under your chin when you don’t. It will also help keep your neck warm.

The outer head garment should be a thick wooly hat or fur hat. In northern climates the locals swear by rabbit, fox or seal fur hats. If you don’t agree with the use of fur then there are man made alternatives or a nice thick wind proof wool hat will work well (especially if your coat has a hood to keep any wind off).

Scarfs are really useful to cover up any gaps between your headwear and jacket keeping out cold drafts or to provide an extra layer of face protection on very cold days. A nice wide scarf around the outside of your jacket really does make a difference.


Hands are very difficult to keep warm, especially with gloves. You can get thick gloves, but these tend to restrict movement and can be difficult to get on and off.  For cold arctic environments mittens are absolutely essential. Your fingers will be warmer when they are together and not separated. Plus they are easier to get on and off, so if you need to make a camera adjustment or zip up your coat you can just slip the mittens on and off quickly. If you get an extra large size pair of mittens you can wear a pair of microfiber,  fleece or other thin gloves inside the mittens.  Army surplus is a good source of arctic mittens. If driving or riding on a snow scooter the wind blowing around your hands will make them cold, so you will need very high quality mittens, ideally with cuffs that extend well past your wrist and up the lower part of your forearm. Your mittens must extend far enough up your wrists to cover any gap at the end of your jacket sleeves when your arms are at full extension.  Buy the best mittens you can and get a size larger than you would normally.


This can be challenging to get right without breaking the bank, but it can be done!

First, normal hiking and walking boots are not even remotely suitable. You may be standing in snow or on very cold ice for long periods, so if your boots are not well insulated you will get extremely cold feet very quickly. Not only is this uncomfortable but in arctic conditions it is dangerous.

Moon boots are an option for the less adventurous.

If you are not going to be running around a lot or walking long distances then all you need is something warm and moon boots are very good at keeping your feet warm. They are also not too bad if you have to wear them on a flight or in a car as they are not heavy and are reasonably flexible. Get boots with nice thick soles with lot’s of insulation in the soles. Consider getting a couple of pairs of wool insoles so you can change these out when not wearing the boots to allow them to dry.

If you want to trudge through deep snow or are a bit more adventurous then you’ll need proper arctic boots.

Insulated hiking style boots

There are two principle types, light weight boots similar to hiking boots but with extra layers of fixed internal insulation or long length almost “wellington” style boots with a fixed or removable thermal liner.

If you want a lighter hiking/walking style boot then there are many to choose from including the famous “Micky Mouse” or “Bunny” boots issued to US airmen or the military operating in the arctic. If considering a light weight boot make sure it has a thick insulating layer inside the entire boot, at least 10mm to 20mm thick and in particular in the sole of the boot. A big problem with this type of boot is that they are not very tall and are in deep snow, the snow will get into the top of the boot unless you add snow gaiters. Then the snow melts and your feet get wet and very cold. Many of the designer brands commonly available only have very thin insulation and are not really suitable. Personally I don’t find this type of boot warm enough and  although I have included them here I would not recommend them, instead preferring a purpose designed arctic boot as below.

A note on Sorrel Boots: I see a lot of people wearing Sorrel boots. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with them but these are what I would describe as fashionably inadequate for the arctic. They look the part and are great for a UK winter, but in my opinion they don’t have sufficient insulation for the very cold temperatures that are often encountered on my Northern Lights expeditions.

Longer length arctic boots with removable liner.

I have a pair of long length Baffin boots with a sophisticated removable liner that includes a foil backing to reflect heat. The liner is about 15mm thick, these are warmer than the hiking style boots and have the advantage that the liner can be removed for drying if it gets damp (which it probably will as your feet will sweat). Because they are tall they are also much better for walking in deep snow than a hiking style boot and the top of the boot has a built in draw string snow gaiter.
You can buy very effective arctic boots similar to these brand new on ebay for £60/$100, look for the ones with thick, foil backed removable liners and buy a pair at least one size larger that you would normally wear to allow for thick socks and to make sure you don’t reduce the circulation to your toes. Boots that are a little loose will be much warmer than tight boots.


Hand warmers and heated jackets. Even with the very best clothes there may be times when your hands or feet start to feel the cold. Chemical hand or foot warmers can be used on these occasions to warm them up. The hand warmers work best when used inside mittens or in a pocket. Foot warmers are also available. The best types are the single use chemical warmers. A brand I use is called “Little Hotties”. The re-useable liquid type warmers do not work in the severe cold of the arctic. USB powered handwarmers and USB heated jackets and gillets are nice too. One word of caution – Don’t by electrically heated jackets or gloves to make up for poor insulation . What happens if you are out for a long time and you run out of battery power or the heating element fails? Heated items should be considered a pleasant bonus, but should never be a replacement for well insulated clothing.


This is an odd one but important. Be gentle with zips. When it is very cold plastic gets brittle, it is very easy to break the teeth on a zip or pull the tag of a zip slider. A broken zip when it’s well below freezing isn’t just inconvenient, it’s a big problem. Higher quality cold weather gear will normally have a zip with a metal zipper and plastic teeth, but I have also seen these break.
If the zipper on your jacket is small, add a short length of ribbon, cord or string to it so you can (gently) pull it up and down while wearing your mittens or thick gloves.
If you have items such as a hat with a plastic buckle or clasp, again be gentle with the plastic in the cold.


Should you get ski goggles or sun glasses? Its a good question. If you are not driving a snow scooter they are not essential. If you are driving or skiing, then you do need them. If riding as a passenger on a sledge behind a snow scooter they are not essential, but they may be beneficial. Do remember that if you are going up to the arctic in the winter, it may be dark for most of the day, so tinted goggles will make it hard to see anything.

During the day if the sky is clear and there is a lot of sun things can get pretty bright as the sun reflects off the snow, so tinted goggles or sun glasses may be beneficial.

I have goggles with interchangeable lenses, clear for dark trips and tinted for bright days.

19 thoughts on “Arctic Clothing Guide”

  1. Your information was extremely helpful. I have thinsulate lined boots and chose two sizes larger to wear 3-4 pairs of socks. Now i realize that tightness can reduce circulation and, one pair of wool socks is good enough.

  2. Just a observation while the chemical little hotties are good Dont under estimate the gas filled hand makes a pretty gd one and they last for many hrs

  3. Having to stand outside most of the night in the cold & wet I’m currently wearing 7 layers,, and still cold.
    This article has made me realise that I possibly have clothes already in my wardrobe that may be more suitable than those I’m already wearing.
    Also its possible to buy suitable clothes from “cheaper” shops without spending a fortune.

  4. don’t boots need to be waterproof (and, for that matter, not just water resistant)? maybe that’s obvious but….

    1. For snow boots don’t need to be waterproof as if it’s cold the snow won’t melt. Fully waterproof boots will get damp inside due to sweat and your feet will get cold.

    2. No, not really. If your in a very cold environment where does the water come from? It will all be frozen. Waterproof boots will make your feet sweat, the moisture won’t be able to escape and you will have damp feet that will get extremely cold as the moisture will transfer the heat away from your feet much faster than from dry feet. You want breathable boots.

  5. I read this article before going on a trip to the arctic this last week (9th to 16th January 2015). It was very helpful – it would have been even more helpful if I’d read it properly!

    I have two additional comments: 1) If you are staying out overnight, as we did, I would strongly recommend not having ANY cotton clothing at all. In the morning, my long-sleeved cotton mid-layer was stiff as a board, even though it was with us in the tent, and it made me cold when I put it on. Get wool instead – polyester’s OK, but I shall be investing in wool. 2) I got the type of arctic snow boots you mention. But they’re really not sufficient for extreme conditions. You need to either hire something really heavy duty – almost like platform boots with silver-coloured, part aluminium inner sock – or buy them, if you can find them. Arctic boots are OK, as long as you’re not going to be out in the mountains all day in the snow. If you are, you need better. Trouble is, I don’t know where to find them. To put it in perspective, I have Meindl snow boots, which I’m very happy with for ordinary walking about in the arctic. But they’re hopelessly inadequate for expeditions.

    1. Baffin boots are great (the larger boots show in the article) They are good down to -40c. You can get boots as you describe with the 10mm removable foil lined liner on ebay for $50-$60 and this is what I wear on my week long expeditions where it can often be -40c. Half of the secret to warm feet is dry feet. Fresh dry socks makes a big difference.

  6. Regarding the various boot styles and having the goal of choosing the best for overall warmth, is it better to choose boots and pants that allow the pant bottom to be tucked into the boot? Most of the boots don’t really look like they provide room for this. What is the best approach?

    1. Don’t tuck trousers in as snow can then go down into the boot. Ideally the trousers should come over the tops of the boots and be a snug fit over the boot.

  7. I have a quick question regarding camera kit. I’m shooting in Svalbard in April, when I understand temperatures will probably be around -25. I can take our FS7 out there or I’m considering buying an A7R/Sii, if it’s an easier proposition for those kind of conditions.

    We’ll be travelling around on snow scoots.

    Any tips on whether I should get some kind of insulation on the camera, condensation issues, batteries etc? Any advantage to taking a smaller DSLR over the FS7?


    1. The FS7 will stand up to the cold better than an A7, but if you want to try to shoot the Aurora the A7 is a better choice, but the batts don’t last long in the cold. There is a wonderful SEARCH XDCAM-USER box top right of the page, try entering: “shooting in the cold” and see what happens.

  8. Some of the boots listed won’t hold up in foul weather. Our team uses the Dunlop Thermo+ gumboot and it’s great value for money. Sorrels just got wet and insulation compacts too quickly

    1. The information I have provided is based on 15 years of experience in the arctic. How did your sorrels get wet? In the arctic winter when the temperature is always well below freezing there isn’t any water to make them wet. Any snow that gets on to the boots will stay frozen. I don’t understand how they got wet.

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