Royal International Air Tattoo in Super Slow Mo.

Here’s a few clips shot with the FS700 from last weekends Royal International Air Tattoo. Check out the DHL 767 just hanging in the sky, also notice the almost complete lack of skew on the propellors.


460x150_xdcam_150dpi Royal International Air Tattoo in Super Slow Mo.

4 thoughts on “Royal International Air Tattoo in Super Slow Mo.”

  1. This was shot at 200fps and the primary lens was the Sony 18-200mm kit lens. A few shots were done with a Sigma 70-300mm with a Kiron 1.5x extender. Could have done with a longer lens but I don’t do much long lens work, so it’s not high on my list of priorities. Next time I’ll hire in some longer lenses.

  2. Nice piece. I’d love to know what music you used – especially the vocal textures at the end.

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