Zunow 16-28mm f2.8 FZ mount Group Buy Details.

DSC02105-300x199 Zunow 16-28mm f2.8 FZ mount Group Buy Details.
Zunow 16-28mm wide angle f2.8 lens.

I have been given the opportunity to place an order for a minimum of 5 Zunow 16-28mm f2.8 FZ mount lenses. The list price for this lens is EUR 7650 ($11K) but if we can order a minimum of 5 it will be EUR 3,800 ($5K approx). If as a group we buy 10 the price would be even lower at EUR 3,600 ($4.5K approx). Prices exclude any taxes or shipping (from the EU).

Sony FZ mount for PMW-F3, PMW-F5 and PMW-F55

• Focal Length: 16-28 mm
• Minimal optical distance: 1.1 ft/0.3m
• IRIS: F2.8-22
• Front Diameter: 98mm
• Filter Screw 95mm P1.0
• Weight: 1.9 Kg/4.19 lbs

DSC02101-300x199 Zunow 16-28mm f2.8 FZ mount Group Buy Details.
The FZ mount Zunow 16-28mm on a PMW-F5

Made in Japan by renown lens manufacturer Zunow the lens is a beautiful low distortion wide angle vary-focal lens. At 16mm the wide angle views this lens has to offer are beautiful. Designed for 4K it is sharp and clear out into the corners. Flare is minimal and contrast excellent. At f2.8 for a 16mm lens this is respectfully fast. At 24mm there is near zero geometric distortion making the lens particularly well suited to industrial and structural imagery where pin cushion or barrel distortion can be a significant problem. Even at 16mm the distortion is minimal. The iris is an 8 blade iris, the bokeh is very pleasing. It is not designed as a zoom lens, the focus shifts slightly as you change focal length. What it is, is a single wide angle lens that can provide a variety of focal lengths without the need to swap lenses while maintaining prime lens image quality.

DSC02103-300x199 Zunow 16-28mm f2.8 FZ mount Group Buy Details.
Clear and easy to read focus marks.

The lens has large and easy to read markings for aperture, focal length and focus distance. The focus markings are in both metric and imperial. The rear element is baffled for 16:9 to reduce flare and reflections within the camera body. The construction is all metal, mostly black anodised aluminium alloy.

So how will the group buy work? First use the contact form to contact me if you are interested. I will have a sample lens available at some of the workshops I’m running in the UK and I hope to take one with me to Cinegear at the end of May. I wish to close the deal during the week commencing June 10th. Payment for the lenses will be made to the European Distributor who will then ship out the lenses. Buyers will be responsible for all taxes, duties and shipping charges. These are in addition to the group buy price.

Below are some frame grabs from the lens, shot using a PMW-F5 with the frame grabs pulled from the raw clips in Adobe Premier. Aperture was between f4 and f5.6. Click on the thumbnail to view a larger version and then click on the link above the image for the full 4K frame. Please consider this is a very wide angle lens when looking at the images.

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Trees at 16mm
trees-28mm-web-300x158 Zunow 16-28mm f2.8 FZ mount Group Buy Details.
Trees at 28mm
Street-28mm-web-300x158 Zunow 16-28mm f2.8 FZ mount Group Buy Details.
Street at 28mm
Street-28mm-web1-300x158 Zunow 16-28mm f2.8 FZ mount Group Buy Details.
Street 28mm
distortion-web-300x158 Zunow 16-28mm f2.8 FZ mount Group Buy Details.
Zero distortion 24mm


7 thoughts on “Zunow 16-28mm f2.8 FZ mount Group Buy Details.”

  1. Hi Alister,

    Is this still an option? I am looking at buying a F5 and this lens would be nice options if the prices and quality is there?

    1. Yes, you can still get one at the 5 off group buy price of 3,800 Euros. It’s a lovely lens and finding an ultra low distortion wide angle at this price is rare. You would buy the lens direct from the distributor (how are a well known established company) and get all the usual warranties etc as you would have with any other similar purchase. There really isn’t a catch.
      If anyone is interested they should drop me a private message using the contact form and I’ll provide the distributors direct contact details.

  2. Hi Alistair, very interested in this Zunow lens, seems to be just the right focal lenghth.
    Never heard of this manufacturer before, is it a rehoused stills lens?
    Hoping to come to your Visual Impact talk in near future.

  3. Is this offer still actual?
    When the lens could be delivered?
    What should I do for placing the order?


    1. I am no longer offering this group buy, but if you contact Rene at Alphatron he can do you a good deal on these lenses.

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