First let me just remind you that the opinions posted here are mine and mine alone………….
I came across this via Facebook. Genero. The people talking about it were excited about possibly having the opportunity to produce a video for a known music artist or a TV commercial for a household brand. It’s described as a competition. You chose the artist or product, make a video and enter the contest. The winning production becomes an official video for the song or gets used as a commercial for the product. The reward is… “amazing opportunities to advance their careers and work alongside top artists and brands” plus a cash “prize” of up to $4k.
OK, at first glance this looks like a good thing, but is it? I’m not at all convinced. So you go off and put a lot of time, effort and creativity into your video and enter it in to the contest. Some of the contests get in excess of 500 entries, so your chance of winning may be small. Take a look at some of the previous winners, these have taken massive amounts of time and effort. Lets say you win. You get $4K in your pocket and can list a video for a major brand or music artist in your resume. Meanwhile, the artist or brand walks away with 100% of the rights to a cherry picked video that will become a vehicle for selling and promoting that song or product, basically it will (or at least should) make them money either directly or indirectly. There are several quotes from some of the companies involved, like this one from Adam Starr of Universal Music: “I still marvel at the quality of the winning video, that wildly exceeded expectations, and provided Universal with a valuable marketing and revenue generating asset”. I think that just about sums up this “competition”
Typically the starting price for even a basic commercial production is $15K and the sky is the limit. The winners in this competition are not the aspiring producers but the bands and multi-national companies. They get novel, creative, beautifully executed videos for a fraction of what they would normally have to pay. Looking at some of the previous winners, these video would have normally cost a company like Universal $50K+.
So what about the producers, will it lead to fame and fortune? For a start, in producing your film you don’t get to “work alongside artists and brands”. You submit a video that you make, the band or artist does not know who you are and you can’t ring them up to discuss you ideas. Maybe for a few winners it will open some doors, but doors to what? An industry that now only wants to pay $4K for commercials because if you won’t do it for that they can just run another competition. How will anyone make any money let alone fame and fortune. If it takes you a couple of weeks to make the video and remember you have to include the time it takes to come up with the concept, plan the shoot, shoot, edit and post produce (and they want broadcast quality deliverables). By the time you’ve taken out the costs of any equipment and the costs of any talent, locations or premises (even if you edit at home, that space still has a cost) the amount of money you’ll make is next to nothing.
I think this “competition” is insulting to film makers. I understand the film festival movie making industry. You make the film you want to make, to show off your skills and abilities. You (or your sponsors) own that film, any profits made come back to you. But in my opinion this is closer to a scam than a real competition because the real winners are not the entrants but Genero along with the artists and multi-nationals that get great video’s (that will make them money) for almost nothing. The principle is great, but the prize does not reflect what it costs to produce a commercial. The prize money isn’t actually a prize at all. In fact it is payment for 100% of the rights in the production. In my view the prize should be either a lot, lot bigger or also include a share of the proceeds from the profits the video makes. I urge anyone considering entering this competition to read the terms and conditions very, very carefully. If you win, you have to give up all rights in the video you produce, you won’t get anything beyond the prize money. And as for the Genero market place? Well with people giving away some very high quality productions for as little as $400 you would be better of taking your project to a conventional stock footage library. This is nothing more than a thinly disguised tender process for a commercial video production with a budget of $3K-$5K.
Completely agree… Insult. There are several other “contest” sites with very similar concepts. I did one for Clinique once. The prize was $6K. Once I started editing I started thinking… Why am I doing this? For glory? No. Certainly not for profit at that rate. Put up three versions. How stupid was I. The winner was the furthest from the requested concept. At that point I realized that the concept was pure BS. Never again.
Genero is messed up! I’ve entered a few of their competitions – yes, I admit it – and I encountered problem after problem and inconsistency after inconsistency. One clip, I thought I’d be creative and design it in a letterbox format as I felt it enhanced the content. Genero did not accept it saying that clips cannot be in this format and that I needed to ‘fix’ it. I did and resubmitted. Later, I saw that other clips were accepted in this supposedly unacceptable letterbox format. What?!? My latest problem with Genero is that I put a lot of time and effort filming and editing a clip which had a brief that said ‘the brief for this clip is wide open. We encourage you to use your creativity and be inspired by the music’. I thought great. So, I planned the concept, filmed, post-produced and submitted. I then received an email (only after I asked why my clip was not up) saying that it didn’t meet the brief and could not be published. No further explanation was given. The film quality was professional, the edit was strong and the creativity was evident. Are they friggin’ kidding? Genero is fraught with issues.
I’m a professional film-maker and I too agree that these sites are really taking the piss and are extremely exploitative. If you are a film student, making films for your course then they may act as a useful incentive and practice. If not, then the ‘prize’ is, as you say, is nothing for the amount of creative input – and the rights – to the material you have to submit.
As for Genero, I actually ‘entered’ a film there recently (purely because there was a favourite artist of mine on there and I had a weekend free) – only to receive a similar email to Melissa saying that my concept was not of the ‘type they find resonates with their brands/bands’, and so they were not allowing it as an ‘entry’. Rather seems to defeat the point of having an open competition! I wonder if the artists who use the site realise how much pre-filtering Genero do..
I agree. I don’t think Genero TV realizes or cares how much effort money and time it takes to produce a broadcast quality video.
I am shocked at some of the winning entries. Some of my competition for Genero TV had better videos than I and they were not even short listed.
Now I know Genero TV is not pointing a gun at our heads saying we have to submit but honestly some of the prize money and deadlines to submit are simply unrealistic in order to see any profit and more than the money, deadlines that are next to impossible to fill for some of the video briefs.
I’ve decided the best way to submit is if it’s a project that you wish to work on, only submit through the treatment process for treatment briefs. Give Genero TV a deadline for when you need to hear back from them so that you can complete the project in a realistic time frame.
This way you don’t waste time and money on these spec music videos and if the worst case scenario is if they don’t like your treatment then you have not wasted your time as time is money.
I totally agree. It sounded alluring at the beginning but after thinking more and more about it, it seriously sucks.
Have you guys heard about 90 seconds?
They are the same, even crazier I think. Really stupid.
Genero is a scam for sure – it’s an insidious way for advertising companies to get your creative ideas and for Genero to get your information. I tried contacting them to discuss various entries but they don’t ever personally reply … just stock answers. Stay away from this bunch of irresponsible charlatans – they’re a waste of time.
Genero is a trash company and they are ruining the creative industry.
Twice now, I have gotten calls from a production company in a 3rd world country that was just awarded a contract to produce a video from Genero. Both times, the client was a US based company that hired an international production company for peanuts and then demanded that the production happen in the states. It’s just a way to screw over the creatives.
After unsuccessfully participate to several pitches I finally got a small project awarded. From some weird email forward that maybe I wasn’t suppose to receive it seemed like a big chunck of the project would be produced by Genero itself IN-HOUSE (by cheaper/junior creators I guess?). So they would basically use the free ideas gathered with the pitch to hook the client and then handle in-house as much as they can. Another suspicious thing that I noticed is the big amount of pitches that stay in review for months. I have the feeling that these are pitches where the client didn’t like/choose any of the proposals. This is a possibility that is not mentioned in their conditions. If that’s the case, these pitches could even be pitches inside another pitch, with Genero competing against other major agencies. They don’t have a physical office, the company address is registered on a Post Box and all their staff seem to work from home, but the service is real. I mean, I got paid. But considering everything I still feel scammed.