A busy couple of weeks coming up with several FS7 and FS7 II workshops in the USA. I’ll be covering all the essential stuff including gamma curves, log, CineEI, Rec2020 and HDR.
Austin Texas, Omega Broadcast, Tuesday 28th Feb. http://www.omegabroadcast.com/product-p/event-sonyfs7iimasterclass.htm
Dallas Texas – VideoTex systems, Wednesday 1st March. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sony-fs7-m2-master-class-with-alister-chapman-tickets-31938387577
Minneapolis – Z-Systems. Thursday 2nd March. http://zsyst.com/2017/02/event-alister-chapman-3-2-17/
San Francisco/Bay Area private full day workshop Saturday 4th March. Use the contact form for full details.
Boston – Rule Camera. Tuesday 7th March. http://www.rule.com/
At the end of March I’ll be in Dublin for the Camerakit event.
Hi Alister:
I just wanted to thank you for the excellent presentation you gave in Dallas today. I shoot heavily with my FS-7 and you still offered a lot of high quality insight. Keep up the good work!
Martin Lisius
Hadn’t realised it was you at the workshop. Glad you found it useful. Maybe catch you out on the plains later in the year!
Hi Alister. Yes, hope to see you out there. Stay safe.
I attended your Dallas seminar today on the FS7 II. I’ve had an FS7 for a couple of years now, and, despite its minor ergonomic design flaws, I’ve been thrilled with the video I’ve gotten with. But I’ll admit that there seemed to be a bit of voodoo involved in the interactions of the hypergammas, Rec-709, Cine IE, etc. There were some concepts involved that I was fuzzy about … until today.
Thank you for a clarifying, info-packed 90 minutes. I didn’t stay to meet you because you were pushed for time and probably jet-lagged, but I did want to let you know how appreciative my son and I were for a job well done.
I’ll now start over-exposing, as opposed to panicking at the first sight of a clipped white!
Thanks. Hopefully I’ll get back later in the year for a longer workshop.