Pxw-fx9 Viewfinder Mounting

After playing with a number of FX9’s I have noticed that the way you arrange the viewfinder rods can alter whether the viewfinder sits level or may tilt just a tiny bit. Based on experimentation with several cameras I believe the orientation of the rods and clamps shown in the pictures here works best to ensure the VF stays level.

I believe this is the best orientation for the FX9s viewfinder support bars.
Another view of the FX9 support bars.
Arranging the FX9 support bars this way seems to minimize any VF tilt.

One thought on “Pxw-fx9 Viewfinder Mounting”

  1. Decades of ENG camera design and Sony manage to come out with the worst designed EVF mount I’ve seen. Yes they have improved it slightly over the FS7 I/II, but the whole thing looks like an afterthought.

    I immediately replaced it on the FS7 I own with an after-market mount.

    I’m not trying to be a pain here, just hoping someone at Sony gets the feedback.

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