Here is the latest version of my PMW-F5 and PMW-F55 quick reference PDF guide. This will be updated and exapnded on a regular basis so please bookmark this page:…eference-guide/ so you can come back to download the latest version.
Please do let me know of any errors or omissions and anything else you would like to see added. Feel free to share and distribute the document, but note that a lot of work has gone into this and it is copyright, so hand it out, give it away, but don’t sell it and don’t remove the copyright notices or links.
Here it is: F5-F55-quick-reference-guide (updated 20th August 1014 V8.1) click on the link to see the PDF.
Hi Alister,
Is the guide link live? Just getting an apology notice.
Link fixed.
The link isn’t working for me at the mo. I’ve downloaded the PDF fine. Is this information version 4 up dated? I’m filming some 240fps next week on a commercial, and I’ve been told by Sony Pinewood and the facilities company one can now shoot 240 direct onto SxS. You say still onto R5. Will do a test, but would really appreciate your input.
2 ads, low budget, client wants as little post / grade to do as pos (don’t look at me). Will deliver one in XAVC. Only the second requires 1 shot at 240fps. Was going to shoot all of it in 2K RAW. Now I wonder if I shouldn’t offer to shoot it in XAVC as well, and deliver only the 240fps shot in 2K RAW. My question is, do you think it would be difficult for the editor to grade that shot to the rest if delivered in a different codec?
Gone through all the links again and I’m sure they are all fixed. There was an issue with the link to the main page, now fixed.
Even with firmware V4 the HFR still only goes up to 180fps internally. You need the R5 to go to 240fps.
If you shoot raw and SLog at the same time then you should be able to use the same LUT for both to get exactly the same finished look.
Thanks A,
A very useful guide indeed. Thanks a lot.
Hi Alister
A little off topic, but can you say when (which month) Sony will release XAVC codec upgrade for PMW 300/400. I keep getting the ‘in 2014’ runaround.
Hope you can help.
Did you get any further with your ‘grab n go’ 4K camera? – you were considering the FDR-AX100 in your piece. I am also looking for a discrete addition so wondered if you’d used it/cut it into time lines etc?
I have an AX100. I like it a lot. There will be a full review in a couple of weeks once I’ve got a good feel for it.
It says version 6 on the latest release from July but the download still takes you to version 5 from April. Great guide, has been really helpful.
Thanks for pointing this out. Not sure what went wrong, but should be linking to V8 correctly now.
I’m using this to wind my way through the FS7 menu system. Haven’t played in the Sony world for years (been in Panasonic’s and somewhat Canon’s), so all of these settings to get the camera to behave for the projects we do is a bit challenging. Was hoping that a user-friendly guide for this camera would pop up soon. But meanwhile, I’m using your very helpful and understandable F5/F55 guide. Maybe, if there are important discrepancies between the FS7 and its big brothers, you’ll consider doing a appendix for it. Many thanks and a cup o’ joe to you.
There is a dedicated guide for the FS7 here:
A user guide for the FS7 will be available soon.