FS7 Launch Event in Dubai.

DSC04472-1024x683 FS7 Launch Event in Dubai.
The PXW-FS7 with the extension unit fitted, a V-Mount battery and a Vocas base plate.

Want to know more about Sony’s new FS7 camcorder? Want to get your hands on one and shoot a short film with one? If you are in Dubai then I am helping Sony run an event for you. On the 8, 9 and 10th of November we are holding a series of workshops where the participants will help shoot a short drama film. Everyone will get a chance to shoot with the FS7 in a variety of modes including hand held, on a MOVI, super slow motion, slider mounted etc. At the end of the shoot, if you bring your own USB3 hard drive you will be able to take away a copy of all your footage so you can edit the short drama film together and play with the amazing PXW-FS7 footage in your own time.

This event is going to be very different from the workshops I normally hold. The aim is to get everyone shooting with the camera so that you get get a great feel for the ergonomics, functionality and capabilities of the camera. It should be fun and interesting, plus it really doesn’t matter whether you are a seasoned cinematographer or a complete novice, there will be cameras set up to suit different skill and ability levels..

So come and join me in Dubai for this exciting event. To book a place please follow this link. Don’t forget to indicate the dates and time slots that suit you best. I hope to see lot’s of you there.


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