Workshops at Jigsaw24, London on Thursday the 10th of March.

Want to know more about the PXW-FS5? I’ll be running a couple of workshops at Jigsaw24 in London on the 10th (this Thursday). You should pre register if you wish to attend using the link below.

2 thoughts on “Workshops at Jigsaw24, London on Thursday the 10th of March.”

  1. Hi Alister,
    thank you for all the valuable information you provide!

    I checked with Sony regarding the missing external video signal while recording UHD internally. During your presentation at Vocas you mentioned this will (most likely) be fixed with a future firmware update.

    The official statement from Sony Prime Support received today is:
    Re: external monitor video signal while recording UHD internally
    “Our product specialist has confirmed that there are no plans to implement this function in the FS5”.

    Maybe there is a way to change their mind? 🙂


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