Facebook Live – Streaming with the FS5.

Facebook Live stream Thursday 26th March 4pm GMT/UTC on how to stream to Facebook and YouTube with the Sony PXW-FS5 (also applies to many other Sony cameras with similar streaming options).
I will show you how to connect the camera to a network via Wi-Fi, how to send the stream from the camera to a computer. I will show you how to set up VLC to receive the stream from the camera and then how to use OBS to convert the FS5’s stream (via VLC) and send it to YouTube.
The “How To” live stream will be on my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/alister.chapman.9. But if you also have YouTube you will be able to see the stream from the FS5 once it is connected and setup. Links will be shared during the presentation.
If you install VLC: https://www.videolan.org/
Ahead of the session you should be able to set everything up as we go.
Thursday March 26th 16:00 GMT/UTC, 17:00 EU,  12:00 EDT,  9:00AM PDT.

4 thoughts on “Facebook Live – Streaming with the FS5.”

  1. Will you make a recording available afterwards for those who cannot take part during the live event?

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