Accsoon Cineeye 2S Wireless Video Link with Streaming Function

So there are now quite a lot of these devices appearing on the market. I have a Hollyland Mars 400 kit and it works really well. But this one caught my eye because it includes the ability to stream to platforms such as YouTube using RTMP.
In these days of remote production being able to stream the cameras output to a remote client or producer could prove very useful.

I haven’t seen one in person and I don’t know the company, so no idea if it’s actually any good. But certainly on paper it’s really interesting. 

Here’s the info from the press release. 


6 thoughts on “Accsoon Cineeye 2S Wireless Video Link with Streaming Function”

    1. Correct. But you would need an internet connection of some description and a method of entering the stream details into the device regardless, so I don’t see that as an issue.

    1. There is no reciever. The transmitter has HDMI in and out. You use an Android or iOS phone or tablet that has 5G Wifi as the receiver and monitor. Using the app you can then add LUT’s etc on the tablet. On the one hand not being able to work with a normal monitor is a downside, not needing a separate receiver + monitor is a plus side. Most of the time when I need a remote directors/producers monitor a phone or tablet is all I want.

      If you want to feed higher quality monitors or a sound mixer then you would want something like the Hollyland Mars 400 which has a dedicated receiver unit.

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