Temporary Outage Dec 19th 2022

Sorry about the temporary outage today. The SSL certificate for the site needed to be renewed, a process that normally happens automatically. But the company that normally issues the certificates appears to be having issues, so I had to get a certificate from a different provider. Running this site does take quite a lot of time and I couldn’t do it without the support of my current site sponsors Bright Tangerine and Camrade. Please do visit their websites if you need camera rigging and support accessories or covers to protect you valuable equipment investment. I highly recommend their products. Not just because they help me run this site, but also because they do make genuinely great products.

2 thoughts on “Temporary Outage Dec 19th 2022”

  1. I just wanted to comment that I recently invested in a Sony FX6 base kit from Bright Tangerine and I can say that the quality of this product is outstanding. I also bought a pair of 12″ Drumstix. I was using the Sony 200-600mm G Zoom lens buy mounting the lens on a tripod and hanging the camera body off the end of the lens. This is a practice I strongly advise against! I only did it once and the lens mount is just not designed for this. Hence the purchase of a proper base Plate and 12″ rods from Bright Tangerine to allow me to use proper lens support. Yes there are cheaper alternatives but the quality and compatibility do not come close to this product from BT.

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