Hypergamma LUT’s for the FX6 (and others).

The Sony FX6 does not have the same Hypergammas or Cinegammas as found in many other Sony camcorders. However you can load a LUT as a base look in the cameras Custom Mode. See this post for details about this.

So I have prepared a set of LUTs that mimic the Sony Hypergammas with rec709 colour.  These LUTs are for S-Log3/SGamut3.cine as used as the base input in the FX6. HG1 and HG2 are broadcast safe so these give you a broadcast ready option for the FX6.
 In addition to the Hypergamma LUT’s there is an additional ACBCST LUT. This is a broadcast safe version of the Sony s709 LUT with added contrast and saturation, suitable for broadcast and other direct to air applications.

As well as the FX6 these LUT’s will also work with any Sony camera that accepts LUTs and has S-Log3 and SGamut3.cine. They can also be used in post production.

If you find these LUT’s useful please consider buying me a coffee. Thank you!


Your choice:


7 thoughts on “Hypergamma LUT’s for the FX6 (and others).”

  1. Hi Alistair
    Thank you very much for this. As I explained to you in a comment last week, I have the Z280 camera and like the look of the HG4 hypergamma which allows up to 460% highlight capture and asked you about hypergammas to match in the FX6 which I have ordered, but you felt they couldn’t be offered in a firm ware upgrade.

    I have tried to buy you a coffee, but the link just takes me into Paypal login with no reference to paying you after login in.

    Am I correct that these hypergamma LUTs you have produced can either:-

    1) As per page 52 of the FX6 operating instructions, be loaded into the camera and stored as a Scene File 5 to 16 and then be used as a “Base Look” in custom mode instead of say S-Cinetone and used to produce a WYSIWYG recorded file.

    2) In Custom EI mode, shoot as S-Gamut3.cine/SLOG3 and then import the recording into say Davinci Resolve and grade using one of your hypergamma LUTs.

    Also, the Z280 camera has LUTs HG1 to 4. Do the HG7 and HG8 LUTs of yours allow recording of highlights up to 700% and 800% respectively?

    Finally, please explain how I can buy you the coffee I owe you.
    Ps. Sorry if this is duplicate as not sure if failed 1st attempt with Captcha code.

  2. Hi Alistair
    Further to my comment I just posted,- an extra option to my first two-
    3) are your Hypergamma LUTs also meant to be used in cine EI mode with S-Gamut Cine3/S-Log3 shooting, and your Hypergammas used as an MLUT which you set not only to be viewed in the viewfinder, but also baked into the recording.

    I have booked into your webinar this Tuesday at 2pm and it would be nice of you if you could go through this there as one of your topics.

    1. The LUTs can be used for any of the options you have listed. However the primary reason for them is your option 1 as a base look so that you you have broadcast safe options (HG1 and HG2) as none of the other FX6 gammas are broadcast safe or simply to better other cameras with Hypergammas. HG7 and HG8 both go to 800%.

      The paypal button is fixed now.

  3. Thanks Alastair this is definitely a bit disappointing to hear but thanks as ever for your solid workaround.

    I was hoping with the FX6’s low light that this camera plus a doubler and long lens could in fact make it a killer combo for conference filming but often I am working with a mix of cameras for a livestream and this definitely looks like a headache.

    Is there any hope that STD, Cine or Hypergammas could come via fw or is Sony making a statement that this is their cinema line?

  4. Greetings. Thank you. Question – if I use this loot on Sdi for broadcasting, can I mix fx6 and z190, where is also HG?

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